Health Services
The Skykomish School District has a long-standing commitment to student health and wellness. Our school has a registered nurse available to provide a wide range of services. At the beginning of each year, we collect student health information to plan for needs during the school day.
The State of Washington schedules students for routine vision and hearing screening. Please notify the nurse if you wish to excuse your child from the screening.
Communicable diseases
Train all staff to
Dispense oral medications and inhalers
Recognize and manage asthma
Recognize and manage life threatening allergies
Recognize and manage diabetes
Health Care Services
Illness and injury care during the school day
Nursing assessment & consultation for physical and mental health
Health care planning for acute & chronic illnesses
Prescribed medication administration & monitoring
Emergency planning
Vision and hearing screening
Health Promotion
Health education for students, families and educational staff
Advocates for prevention and wellness
Advocates for safe and health learning environment
Promotes parent/community involvement
Resources & Referrals
Health insurance for children and families
Health care for children & families
Family and community services